Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What the heck am I doing?!?

To be of the "techy" generation, I am so NOT up to date on the latest online social phenom.  I Facebook to keep up with the gossip and how 'perfect' and 'great' peoples' lives are; Instagram seems to be a duplication of said Fb feed but with a bunch of #imgoingtotageverythingandeveryoneiknow.... I dont tweet.  I pin to neatly organized boards, but never seem to go back and use any of said pins. Up until now, I didnt blog or follow anybody's blog (except for www.lifeisreediculous.blogspot) bc she is hilarious and random and she posts links to it on Facebook bc otherwise I would never have known it existed...  so all of that being said, I am excited and apprehensive all at the same time of joining the blogging world!!

Those of you who know my husband, knows he has waaaay too many hobbies; so I decided I needed a new hobby (except of course shopping).  And lately I've reaaaaally been wanting to have a retail space, but just cant give up my safe, within my comfort zone, medical profession.  So the obvious answer was to SHOP for inexpensive finds and paint and/or refinish them into something new and amazing! Oh! and hopefully sell them too!!! ;)

So I took a painting class.  You gotta check out  She is awesome and an Authorized Retailer of Chalk Paint brand decorative paints by Annie Sloan. 

Mad props to Vickie Price of and  for pushing me to take my new hobby to new heights and offer finds and KeepHERs services to the public!! Without her guidance on all this blog and Facebook page craziness (oh! and the AHHmazing pics, one of which is my profile photo), I may have just kept dreaming....

Coming up with a name was a J.O.B!! I always said it would have HER in it because that's The Diva's initials and she's usually to blame when i spend too much money.  So I toyed around with HER ____ {Gallery, Studio, Shoppe, etc}... but nothing really embodied what I was going for.  Then one night while playing referee between The Diva and The Boy, I yelled, "Finders Keepers" in regards to The Boy playing with a toy of his sisters that he had found.  TA-DAH!!! Lightbulb moment. 

Soooo.....a logo is in the works, I am in DESPERATE need of a work space because finished and unfinished projects are taking over my living area, and then I'll be looking for ways to sell said projects.  All while working full time, being a wife, raising 2 high-maintenance youngins', and being a cheer big deal, right?!?

More info and pics to come....


  1. how fun! blogging is so addictive, you will love it. and thanks for the shoutout!

  2. Ha! Thanks!! Your blog is literally the only one I had ever read before yesterday!! I may have to get some counseling from you! ;)
